Desert Streams

Parts 1 through 9 were from early to mid December 2023 and part 10 from early January 2024. Received in multiple chunks (1 to 6 then 7 to 9) as this was the biggest/longest download I had received.

Part 1)

He awoke lying face down on something gritty and hard mixed over something soft. At first he kept his eyes closed as he tried to get an understanding of where he was through touch…

He felt sand under his hands, and he clutched at the sand with tight fists, feeling it trickle between his fingers. As he let go to see what else his fingers could find in here, he felt something that seemed more solid inside his hand rather than just the soft trickle of the thousands of grains of sand across his skin.

He blinked his eyes and could feel the coarseness of the sand against his face, particularly across his lips and eyes… So, with some effort he pushed up to survey his surrounds and where he was…

As he stood, he could feel the sun beating down against his skin, warmed from the intense heat of the midday sun… and now he could feel the sand under his bare feet, feeling the warmth of the sand flowing into him as he stood firmly connected to the ground.

He felt parched and he tried to lick his lips, but everything felt cracked and dry, much like the old dried-up sandy riverbed he realised he was standing in.

He looked around him at the wide-open sky and was taken in by the bright light yellowish white of the sand, contrasted with a depth of blue sky he couldn’t remember ever seeing before… Deep rich royal blue in every direction without a hint of cloud…

In every direction all he could see was the flat barren sea of pale-yellow sand interspersed with the faded grey of the occasional trunk of a decaying tree…

Part 2)

Feeling the heat and so very dry, he took a step forward and immediately the landscape shifted before His very eyes.

He could see faded green shrubs popping up, scattered in every direction except within the dried-up river, which kept the same barren pale yellow…

He took another step and he noticed, in addition to a few more native shrubs appearing, that the colour of the sand has subtly begun to change and now has tones of light and dark browns splattered in between a now greying yellow sand…

As he looked to the sides he could see a number of tree trunks, dried up and collapsing, in every direction.

Taking another step forward the landscape shifted again and although the riverbed looked dried up and barren still, the number of small and large shrubs was growing and was now interspersed with a sea of light green from the native grass that has grown up from native seeds then scattered far and wide in the area.

Now he also noticed some subtle changes in the sky. Where before it had purely been rich royal blue, there was now a smattering of streaky white clouds spread across the sky, looking sharp in their contrast with the intense skyline…

Taking another step forward, he noticed that he could now hear birdsong and the occasional squeak of some animal digging around in the bushes…

There was now more green visible from the actively growing bush environment surrounding the river bed and he could feel the sand becoming thicker and coarser as if it had felt the touch of water flowing through it more recently.

Although the shrubs and grass was getting thicker, there was still quite a space from the river bed to the nearest tree, giving the feeling of a clearing rubbing along both sides of the river bed.

Part 3)

The smattering of clouds had also now substantially increased, becoming thicker and although they were still heavily a bright puffy white, some of the clouds were getting an undertone of shades of grey creeping in as the clouds started to look heavier with water…

Another step and the dead trees that had been scattered through the shrubs were now transformed. No longer the full and faded grey of worn out and eroded timber, they were now rich with life and branches full of leaves now spread out from the tree trunks. They looked tall and full of life and birds were now clearly visible as they rested on the shade of the branches from the heat of the day.

The long grasses had now started to thin out and some of the shrubs had thinned as well as the amount of light and heat coming through had started to reduce through the introduction of so many living and thriving trees.

Taking another step, the skyline had now started to darken as the clouds had really thickened up, heavier with rain aching to fall into the barren earth below.

No longer puffy and white they were now thick and grey, almost black in places.

The landscape had now also shifted to a nearly being a full-blown forest on one side but thinning out into grasses on the other, with the number of trees and shrubs particularly reduced…

Desperate and aching for water he fell to his knees, hands on the ground in front of him and through parched lungs he cried out an unintelligible groan as he turned his face towards the sky.

Part 4)

As he stared into the sky, a long wail burst from his lips and was immediately answered by fat drops of rain falling on him…

As the wail kept ringing out across the landscape, he could see the raindrops falling heavily not just near him but across the entire landscape, the grasslands and forest now looking muted through the thick curtain of rain being poured out from the heavens.

And now he could hear some kind of rumbling coming from behind him and before he could turn his head to see, he was shocked by the sensation of water trickling against his feet. Looking down between his hands and knees he could see the beginnings of a stream of water flowing between his legs.

The water looked clean and cool, so he bent down and lapped at the stream of water, feeling the refreshing coolness of the water against his parched lips and tongue…

Even as he lapped at the water, he opened his eyes again and could see that the stream was now thicker than it was before…

Now in an instant he could feel a wave of water pushing gently against his feet, then his knees and then his hands as the stream had steadily increased and was now starting to look like a creek…

Part 5)

The sky was still dark as the heavens truly opened with rain and almost in an instant the flow of water around him increased dramatically and he was now well and truly feeling the flow of water starting to pull against his arms and legs.

Within a few more seconds and the wave of water had him nearly fully submerged and before he could even take it in he was being picked up and carried with the flow of what had clearly now become a river…

He quickly rolled over onto his back so that he could just let go and relax and let the river carry him.

As the river started to carry him the landscape shifted once more and now the forest had matured and was full of giant gum trees, while the other side was now full with pasture and cows and horses were spread across the paddocks.

He lay back to look into the sky and saw that the clouds were thinning out and there were windows of blue sky piercing through the grey and white of the clouds and the rain had eased to a gentle shower with glints visible as the sunlight bounced off the raindrops.

He could feel the flow and pull of the river here, and just lay back and soaked in the fullness of the river, its clean pure waters refreshing and sustaining him as he drank briefly from the water, he floated in. He could see the changing landscape passing by him as he continued to float down the river.

“But if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never be thirsty again. For when you drink the water I give you, it becomes a gushing fountain of the Holy Spirit, flooding you with endless life!”

John 4:14 TPT

Part 6)

The clouds had now thinned out completely and the sun was streaming through, and the forest was full of the echoes of life and the pastureland teemed with the noises of many, many animals roaming through the grasses…

As he looked out across the river towards the pastures, he could see another branch of the river joining in with his own and the river began to widen even more…

As he continued to flow downstream, the weight and pull of the current drew him across the flow of the river and he travelled through different ebbs and flows, from smooth waters to turbulent water gushing through rocks and rapids.

Soon though the river started to widen but also get more shallow and before he knew it his feet and hands and butt were scraping on the bottom of the river. Before he could take it in that the river was bottoming out (literally) he suddenly came to a stop as the water was just too shallow to float in.

Part 7)

He stood and started walking through the shallow water, but what had been a smooth sandy riverbed before was now rocky and uneven, and he found himself stumbling and hard to balance, but he still managed to make his way to the riverbank shore where he could see where they were walking.

The land beside the river still looked similar with rolling pastures on one side and thick bush on the other so he made his way to the grassy side as he thought that would be easier to walk.

Even though the river was now so wide it was only a few steps before he had reached the bank and was climbing up onto the grass.

As he took each step the grass began to dry out and the heat of the sun seemed to become more intense, so he began to look for shade and he saw that there was a shaded tree line off to the side, so he began to walk towards it.

Within a few steps the river seemed to have been forgotten as he walked towards the woods, the ground getting drier and cracked, the grass more and more sparse.

He reached the bush, but the shade was scattered and the heat just seemed even more intense as there was no breeze just hot, still air baking the surrounds.

He started to feel thirsty but there was nothing to quench his thirst, so he continued further amongst the tree trunks and barren land.

Part 8)

He started to feel something pull him in a different direction what he wanted to go, but weakened with thirst and heat he followed the pull. But the land just seemed even more barren with each step. What remnant of grass existed was now faded yellow and dry to touch.

He reached the point of exhaustion and desperation and stopping he fell to His knees and looked to the heavens…

“In a dry and weary land where there is no water…”

He cried out to God, wailing in repentance that he had wandered far from the river and now he ached…

Now two glowing angels appeared in front of him.

“Your prayers have been heard,” they said “we will lead you home.”

With what strength He had remaining, he stepped to follow the angels and now with each step the immediate landscape began to shift and now there was more shade and coolness, and the grass began to get thicker. He could hear the singing of birds in the trees again and although he was still desperately thirsty, He could feel a peace beyond understanding…

He stepped down to the river but before He could step in, he heard the voice of Jesus saying repent, confess your sins to one another in genuine company…

He fell to his knees again… “Father forgive me… Cleanse me Lord and show me mercy and grace… I’m sorry that I walked away from your presence, that what you brought to me in the river got more important than the river itself…”

He fell forward, prostate on the edge of the river and his face touched the water and he began to drink…

Part 9)

As he continued to drink he felt the river inside him, and his body began to strengthen and feel life and joy flowing through him.

Pull me into Your river Lord, he cried…

And the river responded…

While still lying in his own thoughts, and battling with some aspects more than others…

Before he could even blink, he felt the sound of rumbling as river flows seemed to leave a gap that we need an answer too.

The river began to get higher and now he could feel the floodwaters lapping at his side, before they began to lift himself up and pulled Him right back into the middle of the river…

“Forgive me Father,” he cried “I don’t ever want to leave Your presence. Lead me in the way everlasting, draw me after You…

Your will, Your way, my life into Your hands, he cried out…”

Part 10)

As the sound of the last word of his prayer fades away, he can feel that this time the pull of the river is stronger than it was before. He has been pulled into a deeper river than the stream he left behind…

There has been another shift, gone is the relentless heat of the burning sun as it has fallen below the treeline and begun to set and there has begun a shifting of the light into a cooler evening…

With the overpowering dominance and intensity of the burning sun beginning to fade, new aspects of his environment begin to be revealed, from the heavens above to the waters below, a new revelation of what has always been there but has been hidden from view begins to emerge.

From a different perspective it would might have been viewed as a transformation, as everything begins to look different, but it is only the appearance of the environment that is changing, as what is being revealed was always there but it had been hidden or overshadowed by the intensity of the sun, but now a whole new view of the world was being revealed.

With the shifting light, it was at first hard to see but he could see movement nearby and he realised his river had merged with another yet again and it had gotten wider and deeper in the process.

Bizarrely with the setting sun and the darkening sky, the things around him actually seemed to be becoming more visible. This confused him at first as to whether it was some trick his mind was playing, but he quickly realised that the river itself now seemed to be glowing with light.

Looking back up to the heavens he was completely overwhelmed with how the sky had been transformed. Instead of darkness the sky was bursting with a heavenly tapestry of stars and planets nestled in clouds of light and dark. Rich and vibrant hues of pinks and purples and dark blue painted the sky punctuated by millions of explosions of light as the starlight danced across the sky.

He realised that these weren’t new appearances, but that this was a revelation of what had always been in reach but had gone unrevealed until now. These had always been there.

Wrestling his gaze away from the ridiculous artistry of the heavens and glancing back down to the waters, as he continued to be carried downstream, it was almost as if the river itself had begun to reflect the glorious lights in the heavens…

The waters danced with luminescence, further accentuated by his own movements as he was pulled into the stronger current flowing in the deepest part of the river. The turbulence of his body shifting in the water left miniature streams of light in their wake, dancing like ribbons etched out of the very starlight in the skies above.

An echo seemed to escape from his lips, “take me deeper in Your river Lord, pull me into deeper waters, let me remain in Your presence. I give You everything as You gave everything for me. Your will. Your way. Your flow. Your river.”

I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19 TPT