Piercing the veil

This download came at the end of June 2024. Although short, it took a little while to unpack as the full extent of its relevance to the broader body was not immediately clear.

I see an ocean sparkling at night with the reflection of the moon and starts glistening on the waters.

But the sky was veiled with cloud and so the heavenly/starry sky was muted in its brightness and fulness. Although the moon and some stars were visible, I had the sense that there was a lot more to be seen that was currently hidden from view.

Then a starry image of a lion and lamb appeared. It was a single creature/image but as my perspective shifted it seemed to morph between being a lion or a lamb. This lion/lamb then blew upon the clouds, and they were blown away and the full majesty of heaven was revealed. Transformed in an instant from a handful of stars and the moon to something that resembled the northern lights, mixed in with incredible galaxies and star clouds.

The waters now shone with the reflection of the full intensity of the light filled sky, but the waters had become turbulent due to the breath of the lion/lamb being blown across them.

But then I saw Jesus walking on the waters. He was clothed in lightening and His glory filled the waters and the sky. As He walked across the water, they became calm and the began to reflect the full majesty of the heavenly realm.

I sensed that this was far more than just a picture of the heavenly realm.

I asked the Lord:

What are the clouds that veiled the sky? What are they that are stopping us from seeing the full majesty of heaven and His manifest realm impacting earth?

I heard the Holy Spirit answer:

They are different things for different people. But all of them work to hinder us from gazing upon the full majesty of the one that calls us His children. For some they are fears, for others sin and pride, for others wounds and unforgiveness, and for others it is a veil of the enemy working to distort our view of God. But the Lord wants to remove the veil and we just need to seek Him and give Him access to our hearts and I will come like the wind and tear the veil away.

Each of the stars in the sky then shifted to becoming an angel and suddenly the whole of my vision was filled with a heavenly host.

Fear nothing and no one except YAHWEH, Commander of Angel Armies! Honor him as holy. Be in awe before him with deepest reverence!

Isaiah 8:13 (TPT)

I felt the Lord say that He wants to blow away the fears, the sin and pride, the wounds and unforgiveness, along with the veils and traps of the enemy that are trying to prevent us from seeing the reality and the majesty of Jesus, His Father’s kingdom, and to stop us from stepping into the full reality of who we are in Him as sons and daughters of God.