This was a local picture for the NSW Mid-North Coast that was received during a prayer and worship evening in late December 2023. Only a short one but quite a vivid image…
I look up and see a waterfall of light falling down from heaven, like liquid sunlight shining bright with fierce intensity, being poured out over the earth.
As I look at it, two branches come out from the side to form a cross over the region, a reminder of the sacrifice made for eternity, the price paid for all for all time that none should perish.
As I look up, I find it hard to gauge the scale of this river of light as it falls from heaven, but then as I take in the surrounding landscape I see if falling over the entire Wauchope and Port Macquarie region, dwarfing the Hastings River in its breadth. Cascading over fields and forests, homes and gardens, warehouses and roadways.
My attention is drawn up again and I see three Eagles fly through the waterfall and as they emerge they look as if they are alight and glowing as if they have been transformed into light themselves.
I hear a voice saying I am pouring out my Spirit upon this place, My bride seek my presence, my face, fill your lamps with oil, it’s time to arise.
Draw close to me with the veil removed from your faces, and with no veil you will become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. Be transfigured into His image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another.