Vision received in October 2023. First published via Bold Existence 16 January 2024
Part 1.
As I awaken I open my eyes in the dim morning light. I hear the sounds of birdsong as they greet each other for the coming of the new day.
I blink a few times and shake my head to clear the haze of sleep and feel the gentle caress of the morning breeze against my face.
I look around and see the other horses also waking and hear a murmuring fill the air.
A sharp noise fills the air followed by the sound of music and we begin moving in unison just as well have been trained, slowly at first but gathering speed until we are at a gentle canter.
We keep perfect time and move in perfect formation ready for battle. The world seems to fly by in a blur as we move together.
We begin to slow and the music fades away as we come to a stop together and we go back to waiting.
Ahhhh to live fulfilling our purpose, mighty war horses, bred and trained for battle to overcome the enemy…
Part 2.
As the sun begins to rise higher in the sky, the sound of children’s laughter can be heard. My ears prick in attention… Perhaps today will be the day that I will be chosen, that I will move from training into battle?
But not yet. A child is placed on my mighty back and soon the music starts again and we all step in formation. Gathering speed and hearing the laughter and cheers from the children all around.
The music begins to fade and we slow down and the children are lifted off our backs with disappointment.
I feel warm tears begin to fill my eyes as the sun begins to set. But as it does a fracture in the sky casts a rainbow of light across me where I stand…
I look to see and realise I’m not where I thought I was, I’m not who I thought I was…
Part 3.
The light, rather than casting a shadow seems to bring a new a different revelation…
Instead of standing in a corral, I’m on a wooden circular deck. I try to move but realise I am completely immobile, I cannot even shake my head. Is this some sort of dream?
Suddenly lights come on overhead and the music starts up and everything begins to move.
I look and see that rather than being horses running in unison together, we are all immobile and the deck on which I stand is spinning.
I try to close my eyes but I cannot blink… I realise I am not a war horse, I am a wooden horse on a carousel…
Part 4
But now I hear a voice, it’s one I have never heard before but one that feels familiar right down in the depths inside me…
The voice alone has me captivated, and I feel it resonate through me…
Words are carried on the wind as the carousel continues to spin, but somehow the voice penetrates deep into my soul…
“This is not who I made you to be. You are my war horse, I want you free…”
The words repeat and echo deep inside me and something begins to shake. I feel like I am expanding and cannot be contained within this shell that I am wearing…
The earth begins to shake and the voice calls again…
“Leap! Give me your everything and I will give you strength.”
All I can say is yes…
Part 5
My muscles tense and I feel a strength I never knew inside of me course through every part of my being…
I hear a cracking sound and realise that now is the moment… I cannot be contained, the shackles are broken the cords are snapped…
I push with everything I have and leap…
Light explodes around me and the world is transformed…
The ground has shifted and as I land I feel the ground under my hooves, soft and earthy, and bouncy…
I spring forward immediately bursting into a gallop… The fresh moisture in the air of the evening dew awakens my senses…
Now I am free…
Now I am who I was made to be…
Now He has called me…
Now I hear the voice of the one who set me free, “come to me, run with me and I will lead you where you cannot possibly imagine…”
I say “yes” and fix my eyes on the light ahead and press with everything I have towards Him…