First part of the vision received in September 2022. Further revelation in October 2023 that expanded. Still getting more revelation…
Part I
Standing at the back of the room, I look towards the front and a see an open ceiling under an open heaven. Immediately above the opening on the ceiling I see the Lord and He’s seated on His throne…
His throne shines as if it has been made with light that has been compressed into solid form…
He is wearing a white robe but His feet are bare. On His brow is a crown made of fiery light. His eyes glow with a intense gaze of love and joy…
Part II
From His shoulders flows a robe made of the very firmament of heaven. Stars and galaxies are bathed in purple light, a testament to the royalty and power of Him that sits upon the throne… The robe is a living expression of the Holy Spirit, moving and flowing down from Him into and through the opening in the ceiling…
And the train of His robe fills the temple…
The robe flows like a river but instead of water it is a luminous and iridescent cascade of light…
Part III
Millions of stars and galaxies are carried in the flow of this river of the Holy Spirit as it travels down and through the building, filing every part of it and overflows, cascading out through every threshold from the room.
I see some people standing, completely oblivious to the flow of the river as if they are facing right through it and unable to see it. But I see others moving and embracing the flow of the river.
A word comes that to truly see the fullness of the Holy Spirit move, you have to move with the river, to constantly seek and embrace His presence, to be fully immersed in Him.
As I move to try to grasp the fullness of what I see, the river encapsulates me, wrapping itself around me like a mantle made of heaven itself. It feels like being embraced in a soft cloud, there is almost no weight but I can feel it like the air itself is thicker and made of living water.
More than surrounding me, it permeates every part of my being, every cell, every synapse, every crevice of my heart now touched and affected by this living robe of the Lord.
Part IV
I feel life and love course through me, like every single part of me has somehow become more alive.
My eyes shift from the sheer fascination of this move of the Spirit and I see people now being carried by the river, moving with the flow. And into each person they touch the Spirit flows, bringing life and healing and restoration.
I shift my gaze back to the Lord seated on His throne and see Him looking into me, His eyes fixed on mine.
The purity and holiness of His love washes over me. In that moment I cannot even grasp the depth of His love for me and I want to fall on my face in worship. But His gaze holds me.
Seek me and my presence. Move with me. I will cling to you and carry you. You are mine. You have always been mine.
Part V
I feel consumed by His gaze, His love and joy flowing like starlight between us and washing over me, filling me to overflowing.
While still captivated by His overwhelming grace, love and joy, I feel compelled to look back down to where I am and to watch the impact of robe moving on the others I had seen engaging with the robe.
I see several others like me, who have been lifted up and encapsulated with the robe. Some of them I recognise but others seem familiar but not yet known, as if we are connected via the robe. The purple hues and bright starlight of the robe permeate in, through and around them. As I look closely I see some of the stars accelerating and bursting into one of the familiar ones suspended in the robe. I can see that with each star hitting them, their fervour for the Lord increases and they begin to shine brighter and more sparkly within the robe.
Part VI
As I stare with fascination I can see that there is a light growing within them, somehow making them glow with fierce and intense starlight. My face shifts momentarily back to the gateway to the heavenly realms where I see an angel of the Lord shooting an arrow directly into the one who has started to glow. As the arrow hits this one who is familiar to me, it forms a ripple effect, with an explosion of light penetrating them fully and exploding out into those around them.
But unlike a normal explosion that dims after the first intense release of energy, with these ones the light continuing to glow brighter and brighter, until I can barely even make out the shape of the one I know against the intensity of the light reverberating away from them.
I hear a word from the Lord, saying that the people encapsulated in the robe are being transformed into the fullness of their calling in the Lord and exploding in light, like a supernova, but the light doesn’t fade. The light is so bright you can barely make out the people behind it but they are still there, partnering with Christ.
A wave of joy reverberates out across the robe, like the ripple in a pond that forms when a rock is dropped into the still waters. But this wave is in the firmament of liquid light, I feel the wave crash into me and joy explode within me, lifting my heart heavenward and a new song starts flowing from my lips…
My heart bursts in adoration to the one who sits on the throne, and with each breath I breathe I feel an increase in my capacity to be loved and to love, like somehow my heart in the heavenly realms is expanding before me.
Part VII
I feel the voice of the Lord reverberate inside me and slowly I shift my gaze back to Him seated on the throne. My senses feel overwhelmed as somehow with the bride beginning to manifest the robe and step into alignment with Him, His robe has begun to shine brighter.
I cannot shift my gaze from Him so overwhelming is the pull of His presence… His love, joy, the pure delight He has in His children…
But I hear His voice saying, “Come nearer to me, my son, there is more I have to show you if you remain in my presence.
Words enter my thoughts, words that are so simple and yet so powerful. Before I can speak them, I hear the voice of the Lord again, “will you surrender to me? Will you walk with me, dream with me, partner with me, my son, my Anointed Centurion?”
My response leaps from my lips, “Yes Lord! Your will, Your way, my life into Your Hands! I will follow You no matter what the cost. If it’s not of You then I do not want it!”
Immediately I feel the robe somehow cling tighter to me, wrapping me and lifting me up and pulling me towards the throne. The light being emitted from the throne somehow increases in intensity, but in a way I cannot explain as I draw nearer to the throne it seems to grow no closer. I see however that I am crossing over the gateway between earth and heaven and as I look across the open heaven I see a dozen more similar portals all across the nation’s, with the robe cascading down like a waterfall into each of the openings.
From here the robe looks almost like a heavy rolling cloud, but made of liquid light, flowing down and out to permeate into all the surroundings, nothing untouched by the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
In the year that King Uzziah died, I clearly saw the Lord. He was seated on his exalted throne, towering high above me. His long, flowing robe of splendor spread throughout the temple.
Isaiah 6:1 TPT